Getting kids off the couch and into the great outdoors has many health benefits. Read more...
Welcome to Smethport Area School District! Located in the beautiful Pennsylvania Wilds, we are a full-service, public school district in McKean County. Together, the two schools that comprise our district provide a safe, empowering learning environment for preschool through twelfth-grade students.
Thank you for visiting. We are happy to provide you with information about our district, our schools, and the excellent programs and services we offer students. Go, Hubbers!
Dear Smethport Area School District Families,
I want to thank each of you for your support as we partner together to create a community where our students can learn and grow. Over the past few years, we have taken steps to make our Smethport Area School District campuses more safe and secure, and we have worked to provide an educational program that gives each of our students an opportunity to be successful. We have turned our standardized test scores around and are seeing some groups scoring at the top of the IU in some categories. I am proud of our teachers, staff, and students!
Smethport Area School District will continue to work towards building a reputation for academic achievement. We will emphasize the importance of academic excellence coupled with providing a diverse and challenging curriculum that will best prepare our students to enter a competitive post-secondary college and career environment. We will continue to support the social and emotional needs of our students and staff. Everyone’s dedicated work has led to much progress!
If you are new to our school district, welcome to a place that provides the rural educational advantages of small class sizes, personal attention from teachers and staff, and a supportive community where “Support the Child, Develop the Student” remains our mission. We think you will love the beauty of the Pennsylvania Wilds and make a home here in the “Hub” of McKean County.
I wish everyone the best as we start another school year.
Go Hubs!